Should you hire a dev agency to build your product?

Is a Dev Agency the Right Fit for Your Startup?

Should you hire a dev agency to build your product?

Figuring out how to build your product is probably the most critical decision you'll make as an early-stage founder. 

You have a couple of options on how to go about building your product - each with their own benefits and drawbacks. You could try finding a technical co-founder - it can be really rewarding but it’s also incredibly tough to pitch a business with no profit or even revenue. Even if you did find them, they probably won’t be able to build out the whole product (user flows, designs, etc) themselves. Trying to hire a bunch of freelancers and project managing the whole thing is a disaster waiting to happen, especially when you can’t speak the technical language. The worst option is probably getting a bunch of interns to do it - you’re most likely gonna have to scrap the whole thing and start over every few months.

(We at The AI Entrepreneurs have gone through this with our latest software, which is coming soon. Many of you guys have asked about it, and it’s coming, we promise, but it would have been done a lot faster if we had read today’s tutorial 😏)

The most tempting of those is probably using a no-code tool - these platforms have changed the game, enabling founders without technical expertise to swiftly bring their ideas to life without breaking the bank. The promise of transforming a vision into a functional product with just a few clicks is compelling, offering speed, cost-efficiency, and simplicity in a way that was previously unimaginable.

Yet, this path isn't without its pitfalls. No-code solutions, for all their merits, often hit a wall when it comes to scalability and customization. They may serve you well in the initial stages, but as your startup grows, these platforms can become more of a hindrance than a help. You might find yourself constrained by the platform's limitations or at the mercy of its evolving terms of service and sustainability.

More importantly though, building the product from scratch is probably not the best use of your time as a founder. There are much more impactful things you could and should be doing than tweaking your product on a no-code platform. For example, no one will know your customers better than you - you should be using that expertise to secure early sales and to set the direction of the product. You’re gonna be able to earn many many MANY more dollars with sales than you would save by building the product yourself.

The essence of being a founder transcends coding; it's about defining your company's future, engaging deeply with your users, and cultivating relationships that propel your business forward. These are tasks that require the founder's touch, areas where your insights and decisions can make or break your startup's success.

This is where agencies can be massive force multipliers. But not just any agency would be a good fit - many charge by the hour and are counter-incentivized to you getting out and in front of customers quickly. There are specialists like Byldd and others who focus on helping aspiring founders get paying customers as fast as possible.

Ready to launch your tech startup without breaking the bank? At Byldd, they build investor-ready MVPs in under 6 weeks for under $15K. 🚀 Let’s bring your vision to life!

Check them out 👉 Byldd
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For example, Byldd offers to launch a revenue-generating, investor-ready product in under a month, and for less than $10K. Their portfolio companies have been backed by YCombinator, Google, Cartier, and other top-tier investors.

In conclusion, while no-code platforms offer a promising start, the journey to building a lasting, scalable business often necessitates a hands-on approach that only a dedicated development partner can provide. By choosing to work with a development agency, you’re not just overcoming the limitations of no-code tools; you're also freeing yourself to focus on the vision and strategy that will define your startup's path to success.

(We honestly wish we knew about them before we tried to build our software)...

We hope this deep dive into the product development landscape for AI startups has sparked new ideas and insights for your journey. 

Whether you’re considering no-code tools, exploring development agencies, or simply looking for ways to bring your vision to life faster, the right approach can make all the difference.

At The AI Entrepreneurs, we’re always here to help you navigate the exciting and ever-changing world of AI. 

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