🌍 london's ai showdown begins...

PLUS:đŸ”„ai arms race heats up!


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London Calling: Microsoft Opens AI Hub to Challenge DeepMind

Microsoft is taking the fight to Google's doorstep with a new AI division in London, home to DeepMind.

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This move heats up the competition for talent in the AI industry:

Head-to-Head in AI: Microsoft's new unit, led by a DeepMind co-founder, aims to poach talent from Google's prized AI subsidiary.

AI Arms Race: This is part of a larger battle between Big Tech companies for the best AI researchers, with hefty salaries and perks being offered.

Google's Challenge: With rivals like Microsoft upping the game, Google may need to work harder to retain its top AI talent.

DJ in Your Pocket: Spotify's AI Makes Playlists Based on Your Text Prompts

Spotify is testing a new AI feature that lets you create playlists with just a few words.

Source: newsroom.spotify.com

Here's what you need to know:

AI Playlist Maker: Type in a prompt like "music for a rainy day" and get a 30-song playlist based on that vibe.

More Control, More Discovery: Refine your playlist with additional prompts or remove songs you don't like. Discover new music that matches your mood or interests.

Currently in Beta: This feature is only available to Spotify Premium users in Australia and the UK on mobile devices for now.

AI Meets Your Fingertip: Oura Ring Tracks Health and Boosts Wellbeing

The Oura Ring is a stylish wearable that goes beyond aesthetics, offering a suite of AI-powered features to help you understand and manage your health:

Source: ouraring.com

Unmask Your Stress: Daytime Stress uses biometrics to identify stress triggers and patterns, allowing you to manage stress for personal growth.

Smarter Journaling: Reflections, an AI assistant within the Oura App, transcribes voice entries and uses AI-powered auto-tagging to link your mood to your health data.

Holistic Health Tracking: Track sleep, activity, heart rate, temperature, and even recovery metrics. The Oura Ring offers a complete picture of your health.


Access ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini and More LLMs on One Platform

You.com transcends traditional search by leveraging AI to understand your intent and deliver relevant, tailored results. This intelligent platform empowers you to get things done faster and explore deeper with advanced features like switching between multiple large language models (LLMs) and engaging in interactive conversations.

Transform your ideas into breathtaking visuals and unique graphics with Create Mode. Especially for one of a kind logo designs, characters etc. We created “3 logo variations for a vintage sneakers shop”

Use Research Mode for comprehensive analysis and comparative studies on targeted topics. Here we used it for step by step SEO analysis. The results gave an extensive report with references from popular SEO blogs


Optimize Your Resume with AI: A Strategic Guide for Career Success

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Craft a standout resume and catch the eye of potential employers with tailored strategies and AI-powered insights. Here's how to ensure your resume narrates your professional excellence, tailored to your dream job's requirements.

1. Tailored Approach for Maximum Relevance

Example: If applying for a marketing role, emphasize your experience in increasing social media engagement by 50% rather than your proficiency in unrelated software.

2. Elevating Your Skillset for a Competitive Edge

Example: Instead of simply stating "experienced in data analysis," quantify your impact with "leveraged data analytics to improve sales forecasting accuracy by 30%."

3. Highlighting Soft Skills through Experiences

Example: For a leadership role, illustrate your adaptability by detailing how you led your team through a significant organizational change, maintaining productivity and morale.

4. Turning Career Transitions into Growth Narratives

Example: Discuss a career break by focusing on the skills you developed during that time, such as "Enhanced project management skills through volunteering, leading to a successful community project."

5. Precisely Matching the Job Description

Example: If the job description emphasizes "strong project management skills," link this directly to your experience by stating "Managed a cross-functional team to deliver projects 20% ahead of deadlines, demonstrating strong project management skills."

Elevate Your Job Application with AI Entrepreneurs RESUME REVOLUTIONIZER GPT

This innovative tool adapts your resume to meet evolving market demands and aligns perfectly with employer expectations, ensuring you stand out in the job market.

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