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Angel Investing in AI Startups with Gale Wilkinson

We are happy to share that "Unlocking the AI Advantage" podcast is in the Top 100 podcasts in Entrepreneurship (USA). The latest episode dives into Angel Investing and Crowdfunding in the early stages of Startups.

Gale Wilkinson, founder of Vitalize Angels, discusses investment funding in WorkTech, PropTech, and AI innovation. Wilkinson explores the transformative potential of early-stage investing and the role of proprietary data. Wilkinson's insights provide guidance for navigating the complexities of AI and technological innovation in the investment world.

Key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Understanding Investment Stages: A breakdown of the different phases of investment funding, emphasizing the strategic importance of early-stage investments.

  • The Genesis of Vitalize Angels: Insight into how and why Gale Wilkinson founded Vitalize Angels, highlighting her vision for democratizing investment opportunities.

  • Future Trends in AI and WorkTech: Predictions on how AI and WorkTech are set to revolutionize business operations and company visions, underscoring the critical nature of adapting to technological advancements.

  • Criteria for Success: Wilkinson's perspective on what makes a founder investment-worthy, stressing the significance of proprietary data and innovative vision in driving future success.

For an exclusive opportunity to experience Vitalize Angels for a free quarter, reach out at Email: [email protected].

Connect with Gale Wilkinson at https://www.vitalize.vc/

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AI Memory Lane: ChatGPT's Next Evolution

OpenAI introduces a groundbreaking enhancement to ChatGPT, revolutionizing how artificial intelligence retains and utilizes information from conversations. This new feature marks a significant leap towards creating more personalized and efficient interactions.

What it means:

  • Personalized Interactions: ChatGPT can now remember key details from your conversations, tailoring its responses to fit your unique preferences and history.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Save time by not having to repeat information in your interactions, making your ChatGPT experience smoother and more enjoyable.

  • Control at Your Fingertips: With robust privacy controls, manage what ChatGPT remembers and delete memories anytime, ensuring your information remains secure.

  • A Future of Possibilities: This update opens up new avenues for customization and application of GPTs, paving the way for even more personalized AI experiences.

The EU AI Act Moves Closer to Reality

In a landmark decision, the European Parliament's LIBE and IMCO committees have given a resounding nod to the EU AI Act, marking a pivotal step toward enshrining a risk-based regulatory framework for AI applications.

With an emphatic 71-8 vote endorsing the draft, the path is paved for a full parliament vote, signaling a near-certain adoption of a law that will shape AI development and deployment within the EU. This act promises to redefine the boundaries of AI use, spotlighting ethical AI and safeguarding citizen rights.


  • Risk-Based Regulation: The EU AI Act categorizes AI applications based on their potential risk, providing clear guidelines for developers and users.

  • Innovation Sandbox: The law encourages innovation by establishing regulatory sandboxes, fostering a controlled environment for AI development.

  • Global Spotlight: Amidst the burgeoning generative AI landscape, the EU's regulatory framework is poised to set a global standard for AI governance.


Feb 2024's Meta Prompt for Entrepreneurs

Embark on a discovery of how AI is revolutionizing customer service this February. Dive into AI trends that promise to elevate customer satisfaction and transform service delivery.

CONTEXT: As an AI consultant with expertise in customer experience, your mission is to explore AI-driven solutions that enhance customer service and engagement.

Identify and elaborate on AI trends and technologies emerging in February 2024 that revolutionize customer service, from chatbots to personalized support systems.


Focus on AI innovations that enhance customer interaction, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Uncover at least 40 groundbreaking AI trends or technologies in customer service.

Categorize your discoveries into clusters related to customer service enhancements (e.g., AI-Powered Chatbots, Personalized Customer Experiences).

Spotlight trends that significantly improve customer service efficiency and personalization.


Cluster Name: Next-Gen Customer Service AI.

Blog Post Title: "Revolutionizing Customer Service: AI's Leap in February 2024".

Keywords: AI Chatbots, Personalized Support AI, Customer Engagement AI.

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Image Prompts and Style References with Midjourney

By using image prompts and style references effectively, you can guide the AI to create visuals that closely match what you have in mind.

The Process:

Step 1: Crafting Your Prompt Initiate your creative journey by constructing a clear and concise text prompt.

PROMPT: A [color] rose blooming in a grayscale Cityscape.

Step 2: Integrating a Style Reference To infuse your creation with a specific artistic flair, incorporate a style reference into your prompt. Read this newsletter [link] to learn how to upload Style Reference Image to Midjourney.

PROMPT: A graffiti mural featuring vibrant colors and abstract shapes.

Step 3: Using Image References To target better, give Midjourney a visual style reference. It helps capture unique ambiance or complex styles that words alone can't convey. Upload an image with your text prompt as a style guide for the AI, ensuring the artwork reflects your chosen reference. Read this newsletter [link] to learn how to upload Style Reference Image to Midjourney.

PROMPT: A [color] rose blooming in a grayscale cityscape –ar 16:9 –v 6 –sref https://s.mj.run/K1yrmJHWsm4
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