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Brand new FREE 5-Day Challenge

So I don’t know if you heard…

But Russell Brunson is teaching a brand new FREE 5-Day Lead Challenge.

I’m so excited, I already signed up for it! (I mean who wouldn’t? Brunson is doing it!)

You can NEVER have too many leads, right?

This is a CRAZY opportunity to find out how to attract leads and customers to your business THE RIGHT WAY…

From the Master of Traffic himself!

In fact, Russell wrote the definitive book on generating leads…

The New York Times Bestseller, “Traffic Secrets.”

This is an ALL NEW FREE training to help business owners like you and me get more leads (and ultimately more customers) FAST!

It’s TOTALLY FREE and a no-brainer… (no c.c. required)


01.AI: Pioneering the Open Source AI Revolution

Source: 01.AI

In a groundbreaking move, 01.AI, a Beijing-based startup, is redefining the AI landscape by releasing advanced open-source AI models, challenging the dominance of major players like OpenAI and Google. Founded by AI luminary Kai-Fu Lee, the company is rapidly gaining attention for its innovative approach and impressive technology.

  • 01.AI's model, Yi-34B, swiftly topped the charts on Hugging Face’s ranking, outshining models like Meta's Llama 2.

  • Under Kai-Fu Lee’s guidance, 01.AI aims to create intuitive systems that understand human language, marking a significant shift from traditional computing paradigms.

  • Unlike its competitors, 01.AI is freely distributing its AI models, aiming to cultivate a robust developer community and drive the creation of transformative AI applications.

  • With plans to develop AI-first applications in areas like productivity and social media, 01.AI is positioning itself to be a global leader in AI innovation.

SAP Embarks on Major AI-Focused Transformation

SAP, a global software giant, is undergoing a major restructuring, affecting 7% of its workforce as part of a $2.2 billion shift towards artificial intelligence (AI). This strategic pivot, aimed at future growth, is expected to boost SAP's operating profits to around 10 billion euros by 2025. Following this announcement, the company's shares jumped 8%, driven by strong earnings and an anticipated 25% growth in cloud business revenue.

Image Source: sap.com

Some of the highlights of SAP’s restructuring plan are:

  • SAP will offer buyouts or different roles to about 8,000 workers who are not aligned with the new AI focus.

  • SAP will retrain some of its staff to acquire new skills and competencies in AI and related fields.

  • SAP will create new jobs in priority areas, such as Business AI, which will leverage AI solutions to improve business processes and outcomes.

  • SAP will invest in AI enterprise startups and develop new services based on AI technologies.

Oracle's Generative AI: Balancing Innovation and Market Position

Image source: infoworld.com

Oracle's advancements in generative AI, while commendable, highlight a gap with market leaders like AWS and Google in service diversity and scale. This scenario presents Oracle with the challenge to broaden its AI offerings to maintain market competitiveness. Their strategy, which effectively integrates AI into their core services, is particularly beneficial for regulated sectors. Oracle's success will largely hinge on its ability to enhance and adapt its AI capabilities to the dynamic demands of the generative AI industry.

Bot Eat BrainAI is eating the world and your brain is on the menu. Join 20,000+ readers staying one step ahead of the bots with our daily AI newsletter.


Simple Steps to Use Chrome's Tab Organizer

Organizing your web tabs in Chrome can significantly enhance your browsing efficiency.

Image Source: Google

Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step guide to using Chrome's Tab Organizer:

  1. Open your Chrome browser.

  2. Visit and open the websites you want to group.

  3. In the top left corner (top right for Mac users), click on 'Tab search'.

  4. Alternatively, right-click on any open tab and choose 'Organize similar tabs', or go to the Chrome menu (three vertical dots), and select 'Organize tabs'.

  5. Under 'Organize tabs', click 'Check now' to see suggested groups.

  6. For each suggested group, you can change the group name by clicking on it or remove any tab by hovering over it and selecting 'Remove'.

  7. Click 'Create group' to finalize your tab group.

  8. Find your new group at the top left of your browser.

  9. To edit the group or create more, right-click on the group name or repeat the above steps.

Cron is the Notion Calendar

Notion has taken a significant leap by transforming Cron into the new and improved Notion Calendar. This feature allows you to add rich context to your calendar events by directly linking them to relevant Notion pages. This seamless connection transforms how you plan and execute tasks, granting instant access to critical information like meeting agendas, project deadlines, or personal notes with a single click. By merging various aspects of your life into one digital workspace, Notion Calendar simplifies time management, enhances productivity, and eliminates the hassle of using multiple disjointed tools.

Created for Silicon Valley founders, investors and professionals, The TakeOff analyzes emerging market trends, venture capital flow and actionable insights. It’s a free newsletter read by founders and professionals working at Google, a16z, OpenAI and more.

eBiz InsiderGet top tips, insights and opportunities to build your online business. No hype, no scams, no fake gurus. Sign up for free to get the next edition.


Crafting a Winning Resume: A Guide to Skill Optimization

A well-crafted resume is your golden ticket to capturing the attention of potential employers. With the right approach, you can turn your resume into a compelling narrative of your professional journey.

Here’s how to strategically position your skills for maximum impact:

1. Tailoring Your Resume: A Customized Approach

  • Enter your resume details: Focus on sections that highlight your professional journey.

Ensure your skills and experiences resonate with the specific requirements of the job. This involves identifying the most relevant experiences and skills that match the job you're targeting.

2. Skillset Evaluation: Sharpening Your Edge

  • Select a key section of your resume: Choose parts where your skills and achievements are most prominent.

Analyze which skills stand out and how you can better quantify your technical abilities. This step is crucial in making your skills more tangible and relevant to the job.

3. Showcasing Soft Skills: Beyond Technical Expertise

  • Highlight relevant experiences: Choose work experiences that may reflect soft skills.

Use the AI to uncover soft skills from your experiences. This might include abilities like innovative thinking, adaptability, and effective communication, enhancing your resume to make it more engaging for recruiters.

4. Navigating Career Transitions: Positive Framing

  • Discuss any career breaks or changes: Be open about layoffs, dismissals, or gaps in your career.

Focus on how to discuss these periods in a way that highlights growth and readiness for future challenges. This approach helps in creating a narrative that is focused on learning and moving forward.

5. Matching the Job Description: Precision and Personalization

  • Input the specifics of the job description: Use the details of the job you aspire to land.

Ask the AI to identify essential skills and requirements from the job description, ensuring your resume is precisely tailored to what the employer seeks, avoiding a one-size-fits-all application.

Designed for modern professionals, this tool reimagines resume creation, aligning your profile with the latest trends and employer expectations.

With the AI Entrepreneurs RESUME REVOLUTIONIZER GPT, you're not just preparing a resume; you're gearing up for career success in the modern job market.

  • Highlight Your Skills

  • Tailor for the Job

  • Showcase Social Media Proficiency

  • Strategic Keyword Usage

  • Modern, Clean Design


🔍 Can You Guess What It Is?

Get ready for a pixelated adventure! In this edition, we've zoomed in on something familiar, but can you unravel the mystery? Take a closer look at the pixelated image below and put your detective skills to the test.

🤔 How to Play:

  1. Scrutinize the pixel puzzle.

  2. Send us your best guess by replying to this email.

🎉 What's at Stake: A correct guess not only unveils the mystery but also unlocks an exclusive treat! Winners enjoy an extended 14-day free trial to our premium membership. 🚀

Ready to play? Start decoding and hit reply with your guess!

Startup Success: Instant Access to Free AI Entrepreneur Courses!

Image created with DALL·E 3

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