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Image Source: Google

Google's Bard expands its horizon with the global launch of Gemini Pro and introduces innovative image generation, pushing the limits of AI collaboration.

Here's a concise summary:

  • Now in over 40 languages and 230+ countries, enhancing Bard's reasoning and coding capabilities globally.

  • Lauded by the Large Model Systems Organization, Bard with Gemini Pro stands out for its advanced performance.

  • Expanded to over 40 languages, allowing users to verify Bard's responses with web content.

  • Available in English in many countries, powered by the Imagen 2 model for high-quality, photorealistic images on demand.

  • Incorporates SynthID for image watermarking and enforces safety measures to prevent inappropriate content.

Amazon's Rufus: AI Empowers Shopping

Image Source: aboutamazon.com

Amazon's new AI-powered shopping assistant, Rufus, is revolutionizing the shopping experience. Integrated into the mobile app,

Rufus offers personalized conversational shopping, answering questions, comparing products, and making accurate recommendations.

  • AI shopping assistant that knows Amazon's catalog and web information to guide customers through their shopping needs.

  • From product research to specific inquiries, Rufus delivers tailored advice, ensuring customers find exactly what they're looking for.

  • Engage with Rufus for:

    • Comparisons and recommendations to enhance decision-making.

    • Detailed insights from customer reviews and Q&As for informed purchases.

EU Unveils Groundbreaking AI Regulations

Image created with DALL·E 3 and edited with Canva

The EU member states have approved groundbreaking regulations for governing AI, a major milestone in global tech regulation. After intense negotiations, the EU has adopted the world's first comprehensive AI laws, initially proposed in 2021. This was driven by the rapid advancement and widespread impact of AI technologies, including ChatGPT.

Key Highlights:

  • Cementing its position as a regulatory pioneer, the EU sets a global benchmark with its comprehensive approach to AI governance.

  • The AI Act aims to foster a supportive environment for AI startups, ensuring the growth of "European AI champions" while safeguarding against potential risks.

  • With the European Parliament's vote looming, the AI community watches closely as the EU navigates the delicate balance between innovation and ethical standards in AI development.

To delve deeper into the intricacies of the EU AI Act and its implications for the future of technology and regulation, explore our comprehensive blog post [link].


Integrate Multiple GPT Chatbots with a Single @

Integration of multiple Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) chatbots into a single conversational platform allows users to interact with various specialized chatbots within a single conversation thread, offering a seamless and enriched communication experience.

Here's how it unfolds in a Example Scenario:

In this scenario, a user wants to get financial advice, health tips, and travel recommendations within the same conversation thread.

User Query

User: I'm planning a trip to Japan next month. @GPTTravel, any recommendations?

System Routing

  • The Chatbot Manager detects "@GPTTravel" in the user's message.

  • It routes the query to the GPTTravel chatbot.

GPTTravel Response

@GPTTravel: Japan is wonderful in the spring! I recommend visiting Kyoto for the cherry blossoms and Tokyo for the vibrant city life. Don't forget to try out sushi from Tsukiji Market!

Continuing the Conversation

User: Thanks! Also, @GPTFinance, how should I budget for a two-week trip?

System Routing

  • This time, the message is routed to GPTFinance based on the "@GPTFinance" tag.

GPTFinance Response

@GPTFinance: For a two-week trip to Japan, a good budget could be around $3,000 to $4,000, including flights, accommodations, meals, and sightseeing. Always have a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.

Further Queries

User: Got it, thanks! Now, @GPTHealth, any tips for staying healthy on long flights?

GPTHealth Response

@GPTHealth: Definitely! Stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and caffeine, stretch your legs every few hours, and try to adjust your sleep schedule to the new timezone a few days before your flight.

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Imagen 2’s powerful text-to-image technology is available in Bard, Search Generative Experience and and a Google Labs experiment called ImageFX.Imagen 2 is the most advanced text-to-image diffusion technology, delivering high-quality, photorealistic outputs that are closely aligned and consistent with the user’s prompt by Google

AI Test Kitchen is a web app that lets you try out experimental AI projects from Google, such as ImageFX, MusicFX, and TextFX.

Here are the steps to use AI Test Kitchen to generate images using ImageFX:

Origami landscape of a tropical beach

  • Click on the Generate button and wait for the image to appear below the prompt.

  • You can modify the image by changing the text prompt or using the expressive chips, which are suggestions for different keywords that can alter the style, genre, or content of the image.

  • You can also save, share, or download the image by clicking on the icons at the bottom right corner of the image.


Tech Equality: UN Women & Women Defining AI

Discover how UN Women and Women Defining AI are paving the way for gender equality in the AI landscape. They're bridging the tech gap, making sure AI progress uplifts all, notably women and girls. Empowerment, innovation, and inclusiveness are at the heart of their mission.

Read more in our latest blog post [link].

For further insights and updates on empowering women in AI, follow Women Defining AI on LinkedIn

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